sábado, 31 de enero de 2015


24th January 2015 10:25 PM  ("Cold")

I really need them.

As a guy that is always  looking for being at least shallow-minded possible....

I had not realize how much I need  those devices untill I lost them,
I lost my mobile on the bus, I AM suffering because of it, practically I could write a blog everywhere and then post it, it was easier, I wrote a draft and then I could modify it or finish it,  I could easily listen to music, write important things without papper and pen, I took pretty good photos with my 8 mpx camera, I could watch videos confortably everywhere, reblog on tumblr  quickly, looked for things that i needed to know at the momment.
Now it's harder to do all that and know even more because my computer crashes and it's about to die, every time I turn it on, it automatically turns itself  off and so on, I have to do that at least ten times.

So I really need an new mobile and a new computer, my mother has both, a new pretty handsome computer and a mobile, and she actually does not often use them, she should give them to me, at least the computer, it's to much for woman who does not know how to differentiate between Google chrome and Google the searcher.

Now i have to do everything in my Wii U controller xD, :(.

martes, 27 de enero de 2015


24th JANUARY OF 2015 AT 10:15 PM ("COLD" 19°c)

These weeks I've beeen forgetting something, what's this blog about, i was thinking "I just write interesting things", like thoughts, feelings and smart things.
But i forgot this blog is supposed to be about me, for good or worse.
It's to keep my memories of this journey, the journey of my life.
What I do and my feelings and thoughts when I do those things.

I won't stop, I have a lot to tell,, ideas, thougts, feelings, things...

If there is some reader here, if actually there is somebody that is able to understand what i write..

well...    welcome to my world.

jueves, 15 de enero de 2015


Jueves 15 de Enero 1015 10:19 pm (Pretty windy, quite cold and

These days OMG, what are thinking in.
have you looked at that long way, yes I have.




Confidence, tolerance.....

Parents will be parents, we cannot change them, you cannot change yoru siblings, but sometimes...





it's impossible to act normal before every quiet fit of anger, rather internal fit of anger.....

You want to disappear them. or yourself.

I don't know if life's better we you are on yor own or with your parents but I want to leave home quickly.  I want new friends (anyway i don't have so they would be new xD.), I new house, a new atmosphere...

 -Questo è solo un pensiero-

lunes, 12 de enero de 2015


12 JANUARY 2015

It was born to be ignored by most of the people, it was born to walk with no rhumb, after it is  enogh old their mother leaves it, but sometimes that happens before time and the only thing it can do is
wandering most of the time alone, its only objective its to survive in the cold outside.
Avoiding the dogcatchers, in this city are cruel men who sacrify them and also some bad people with no sanity.
When it's seen by people, nobody cares or look twice, anyway it's jus a dog but its sad face casually  achives to peneatrates deeply in somebody's heart.
With no ilusions it tends to aproach to the people for some food but most of the time receives kicks shoutings  rocks and water.
The most maltreated dogs hide their fears behind their aggressiveness, beaten  and injured by the people they don't have any other choice than become aggressive with the people.

Rain, cold, hot, wind and storms pass away and it's still stand, looks for a shelter in any place where the rain cannot reach, where the shades are.
But not everybody can find one and they are just doomed to suffer.
Food , a bed it does not have that, just what it can find in the garbage.

Those faces so innocent, so pure, so alone.
While we delight thinking in what we have, thinking in our problems, thinking in how to be more hollow, submerged in our sphere.

Is wanders in the streets, in the roads, it walks miles every day, it just walks and walks till they die, but who cares It is just a dog.

sábado, 10 de enero de 2015


10 JANUARY 2015 12:24 PM (20° C CLOUDY AND WINDY)

Theese days have been long and short at the same time, cold days finally arrived to our city and it's pretty cold for a tropical city.
 I don't know why but lately I've been feeling very empty from inside, I don't know what to do or what to think about much things I used to think about.
I am very dissapointed of the local internet companies, the new modem was supposed to arrive  the wenesday, it's saturday and we still have that freakin Telmex modem.

I have to study for my exams and my computer doen't work anymore.
But at least I'm healthy!

martes, 6 de enero de 2015



Unfortunately vacations does not last for ever, so tomorrow I'll go to the school but but but but.... at least I'll just be there 4 hours, yes!!!, well another news, tomorrow some good people will come to my house and they will install a new modem belonging to a new internet company, I really hope these guys (I mean the company) to be more helpful and careful with their customers. well let's wait..

jueves, 1 de enero de 2015


This is not about something that happened, this is just about what I think about the different kinds of people I know, as I’ve said I’m a quiet guy for most of the people, although for some people I’m talkative because there’s people who I can talk with and there’s people who I can talk deeply about me and what I think.
Anyway most of the time I just watch people react to several things, I’m not a stalker or I care about them, I just find interesting to see what kind of people there are around you, so you can discover things that will allow you to know who’s reliable, who’s stupid and who has a true person inside.
There are a lot of people in the world so it’s hard to find a criterion to classify people.
But the only thing I want to say it’s that I would like some people changed the way in which they see the life, the way in which the see the world and the other people.
Most of the people just swim where most of the people go, mainly this technological world creates people that just want to be cool in social networks, the best dressed in a party, the one with 1 thousand fake and shallow friends.
I’m very disappointed of the humanity, the people around me, of myself; we are just looking to get higher, being down.
But if we take out all what we have, clothes, possessions, our ratings, appearance, money, “friends”, the only things are going to stay are going to be the good things and the bad things, and there would be people that “naked” wouldn’t be anything and some people that would be like the gold, our presumptions will disappear like the wind goes.
With no possessions, what would I have?, we would be the one that was rich, the one that was pretty, the one that knew a lot, the one that was famous and then…
We better be recognized like the gentile one, the brave one, the peaceful one, the friendly one, the patient one, the noble one.
But just God knows how we could be judged. It’s just that I observe people around me and I just wonder, what are we doing?.

Most of the things in this world is venom for our soul and spirit.


Happy new year whoever read this, I haven't done or thought anything interesting so that's why I haven't written anything these days, and because of my vice with SSB xD, and my "homework" >:(.