First I want to clarify some points , I'm not 100% Mexican, I'm the result of many migrations that occurred a long time ago, I mean I was born and rise in Mexico but I can say that my ethnicity is not "latino", I'm white and mediterranean raze, well a long time ago, well a really long time ago my family was French that's why my father has the last name Seymour but well I don't own it because is my dad's second lastname, well, then we were Spanish and my family a long time ago moved from Spain to Mexico. So my great grandparents were Spanish, curiously both from my mother and father.
This is just to clarify some facts, as I live in a seaport, you know, here there are some differents ethnicities.
Also I want to say that my family has some traditions inherited from our ancestors and many form Mexicans.
But well I lived all my live here and I know about this place and I can opine about it, and also I want to say that just because I don't like the weather of my city, some traditions, the insecurity and what the politics do with this country, that doesn't mean that I don't like Mexico, it's true that I'm not patriotic but I still like this place.
1. Not all Mexicans are brown, as I said there are lots of ethnicities and a clear example It's me, even you don't know how I look like, why would I lie?, so I'm white, my hair it's black and my eyes are brown but still white and Mexican, and also as we all know being brown of any colour it's ok, remember I'm denying wrong facts about Mexicans.
2.Not all Mexicans are gang members, rarely have I seen a guy member of a gang, and there are many gangs as in any place, and not because somebody is brown and Mexican/ Latin that means that he is obviously in a gang, I have seen white guys in gangs, here in my city. (but rarely I see them).
3.There are Mexicans who don't drink, or are smoker or drug addicts, many people drinks as in any place, in fact most of the people I see don't drink, or smoke., and is not like if there were drug addicts in every corner of this place but we do have drugs, I meant not me but there are xD.
4.Most of Mexicans are very polite, seriously most of the people is polite, we always say, please, thank you, scuse me, I'm sorry, pardon me etc.., obviously there are people that maybe are having a bad day and you know, they don't care, as well as there are people here that simply is not polite because they weren't taught to be like that or maybe they don't want to.
5.It's true that the education in Mexico is a little bit poor, but it doesn't mean that there aren't people with tons of knowledge or with a degree, and I think the school is not related to how polite we are, that's up to you.
Quoting the article author "Movies have created an image of the Mexicans as a not educated person because they always make Mexicans the waitress, the gardener, the gang member, or the housekeeper and not the lawyer, or the cop. These all-false images are kept by viewers and think that all people are the same and that they judge the people by what the media says about that ethnic group."
6.Most of the Mexican men are open minded these days, the macho man thing is just a stereotype, as in any place there are men that think they are the kings of the house and the hit their wives. as the author of the blog said "The movies made the complementary punch to declare a Mexican macho in how they make them act in the movies."
Finally I agree with all that the article guy said; "most of these stereotypes are false and that the Mexicans are not a perfect culture and that every culture has ethnic problems. That many people judge other cultures for what they hear or see on the news and only see the bad part of the culture, not the good part. I will leave the judgment to you and hope that you judge anybody for what they are and not for what you have heard about them."
Also all this is not true, we don't wear those hats, neither the thing around the shoulders I don't even know how is it called, we don't live in deserts, actually there many kinds of ecosystems in Mexico, where I live It's so hot but still a tropical place, a jungle, there are also a lot of forests, and there are cold places like Puebla and Chiapas. Not all Mexicans are brown as well as not all British people are white, something that it's true is that there are a lot of nopales xD, personally I don't like tortillas but I eat them any way.
Also real tortillas are like this!;
Not like this:
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