Today, I know I have done some changes to my blog but as I've said in previous blogs, I have some plans for my blog,unfortunately the internship thing takes most of my time at afternoons ad these ideas require of time but there are some ideas that are just about having some time to develop them and then there will be there in the blog, I just have to go to school the next week and then I'll have three almost entire weeks.
I just had a flashback of some memories, just for you to know I think three or two Christmas ago my winter vacations were like very remarked by the game Alice Madness Returns, in those vacations I downloaded the game and finished it completely, and my perception of those day are like the game, dark, thoughtful, weird, dreamlike, intriguing, mysterious and otherworldly, It was because I played the game almost the whole vacations and those memories like mixed or mingled, don't know what word to use. And it was intensify because those days were dark, they were mostly quite windy, really cloudy and cold, like the game is some aspects. That's interesting.
Continuing with the changes I think I will finally translate the blog in which I wrote the strange sensations and feelings that cause me certain things, it's quite. impressive and deep.It's important because it a big part of me, and I want to find someone who feels that thing, because they are a set of things and I cannot call it just a feeling or flashback, sensation etc., trust me it's pretty beautiful and torturing at the same time. I really hope to transmit the essence of the original text in Spanish to English.
Greetings! from Ezequiel,
Have a nice Christmas in advance!
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