FRIDAY 15th, APRIL 2016, 3:38 P.M. ( 28° CLOUDY WITH SUN RAYS)
We think he is mad because the mess a girl did with the computer. My classmate was mad at him for that (we've been mad since first day because of that girly dude's attitud toward us. He treat us as employees or kids of E.S.). She decided not to go anymore, she'll get the papers to set herself free* in another place, and I'm happy for her but she drove me there and invited me to have meal at her granny's house.
I'll starve using publisc transport. I hate that girly dude, I did some doodles about my thoughts. I'll have to bear this for 4 months.

I was supposed to tell some good news but they weren't good, yesterday the guy incharged of me and my classmates at the intership thing went nuts and told us we were late, so he told us to go back home, so that day wouldn't count as assistance.

I'll starve using publisc transport. I hate that girly dude, I did some doodles about my thoughts. I'll have to bear this for 4 months.

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