miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2016


So after I posted a image of I sim I made yesterday I had the idea of doing more like that one. But with my sim, I mean the one who I made to look more like me. So I made screen shots in the Sims 4 Create-a-sim (CAS) tool of my sim doing diverse poses that express different emotions, feelings and also thoughts!

So that would give my blog a little big more personalization, since I'm still too shy as to post photos, and beginner in drawing as to draw my pictures. 

So it's like feeling me through my sims, I may be absurd or too friky but I wanted to try, it's funny, I'ts a way to transmit why I feel with a character that resembles to me. 

Here have some of what I've made. (I should copyright them)

So for example I would tell something like this:
Today we took a kind of online diagnosis test of the First Certificate in English. We were all in the computer centre and we took it together. We only did the listening. Reading and use of English.This was in order to know how we were in English.
So then at the end I heard a classmate talking about another one and how she was pretty calm in spite of having gotten a 43 or 4.. something from 100. She was like fooling around laughing with no worries. I was like, are you kidding?, you got a 43 of 100 and you're like if it was nothing. This is freaking' university, this is what your going live from in the future. But of course she's got no siblings and her parents have money. But at any point of her life she'll be fucked up. But you know I was also like I don't f*ing care.
This was true BTW.

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