Then your teacher explains that there are some people that have good pronunciation but they made some serious mistakes in conjugation. But you're really sure you didn't, I mean there are other times you recognise you did it terribly but this wasn't one of those times.
So that happened to me with a presentation of the French subjects, it was about a dessert. I mean I can be sad, I can hate French for a while, I can even feel free to do things poorly and effortless for some day but nothing is going to stop me learning French, even thought French is not a language I actually love and I'm 100% interested in.
Imagine that you did a kind of team presentation today, maybe you didn't practise at all but you understood the topic you knew all about it, you did your own slides so you knew what's going on.
So you passed and explain, so before, during and after the explanation you felt confident, It might not have been the best presentation ever but you felt like you did it good.
There were others who did it bad or nor so good, but you felt you did it good, you talked good. But when the teacher announces everybody's marks you got a 6 out of 10 (C-).
That's a bummer, what did you do?, But you did it better than other people that got B+'s . I know the thing you had to present wasn't exactly the same thing you actually presented and that rested you points, But the presentation was good,

But you don't complain neither demand the teacher a personal explanation, you just take it to yourself. You only want to go home anyway, you're already tired mentally and physically.
Also your world relate to that subject is falling apart, you question yourself, the subject, the teacher, you hate the subject.

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