viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2014


FRIDAY DECEMBER 12, 2014 12:30 AM (27° CLOUDY)

Don't even know what to say about this, my dog got lost, he had been with us for 9 years, we love him and now he's gone, it's not the first time this happens but this time we won't do anything about it.

My mom has to work.
My dad is busy with his job and "school".
My syster is a dork and I think she doesn't even care.
I have a lot of things to do for next week, it's going to be so heavy.

And so on things get ugly.

I won't have to bathe him.
I won't have to feed him or give him water.
My parents will not spend money in shampoo, soap, food or antifleas.
There won't be poop in the backyard where I play basketball.
He won't scratch the door.
There won't be fleas or thicks in the house.

But the most important things.

Nobody is going get happy when we arrive at home.
Nobody is gonna accompany us when we have to go to the backyard in the night.
We won't have a little furry friend to hug every time we want to hug something.
Nobody is gonna watch us while we eat.
When we be bored we won't have anybody to play with.
Nobody is gonna fart to make us run away from a place.
Nobody is gonna follow you expontaneously to every place.
Nobody is gonna try to lick your face if you get closer to him.

I prefer deal with poop in the backyard or to have to bathe him and get wet than being with that little friend.

I don't think he come back by himself but that's the only way.

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