martes, 23 de diciembre de 2014



10 days ago that i don't write and well a have a few things to say, well my vacations finally started last friday and i couldn't be happier cause I lost my cellphone in the last college day so now i can only write in the computer and i can't take it to every place i go, like a cellphone but well I'm kinda neutral about that so it's like a oportunity to be better.

The last day was really exhausting I had to wear a Charles Chaplin costume and also say a 1 minute and a half speech and I repeated it like ten times, it was freakin' awful.

In those moments I didn't care about anything i was just standing speaking and looking at the people and how they didn't care about what i was saying, the only thing i gave the importance it's the fact that the people was taking me photographs and recording, i was like "please stop that's disturbing, what would you want to have a picture of me?" " I would have liked to say No photos you idiots, get away", but well that's was for a fucking overrated and subjetive grade.

Bullshits, foolishness... that's the only thing I can say.

Moving on, I got the Wii U and the Super Smash Bros, I'm quite fascinated by the good game it is.
I'm paying for it, the only thing I have to do is to starve the next year and save money to pay my mother and for my amiibos.

Well yesterday the  only thing i did in my fascinating vacations was doing chores and to play a "little" SSB!

I hope the vacations to not being boring, I want to learn more things

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