miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2016


31st WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2016 7:01 A.M.

In summary these weeks have been illuminatig since I have developed my tesis work, well the title ,what I want to study and it's been a progress so I feel a little bit relief about that 'cause I felt relly stress and restless when I had no clue on what was going on with all this.

Things at home are relly ugly, there is a bit of a tension atmosphere, things are hard these days and I just don't mess with anyone so I can be in peace.

Sometimes families suck!

I have no friends at school but I think a have a pair of good ones out of it, and other two that were great friends but we're too bussy as to find a time to talk.

I need a scheedule. I need to manage my time and this is going to be awful but otherwise I am not going to be able to do the right things at the right time.

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